Steradian Technologies

Founded By: Tom Baker and Alex Moon
Originated: 2003
Personnel of Note:
Tom Baker – Co-Founder
Alex Moon – Co-Founder
Jenny Richardson – Sales Manager
First Field: Unknown
Equipment Overview: Steradian equipment includes a phaser and headset unit with sensors.
As quoted from the Steradian Technologies website: “The Classic Series behaves more like traditional laser tag equipment. Use the Game Controller to program your Classic Series equipment with settings like hit points, ammo limits, which team you are on, etc. Your referee starts the game with a whistle or an air horn. The team with the greatest number of players left wins!
The X-Series introduces RF, online scoring, hit confirmation, and more. You start and control a game from your laptop computer, using your personalized website at Select which game you want to play and click Start Game. The computer displays live scoring, and if you’re connected to the internet, automatically sends the scores up to for people to view on their own computer or mobile phone. Players can share their individual or team scores to friends on FaceBook, Twitter, or Google+. The game continues until only one team remains, or by score when the time runs out.”
The Eclipse 400 is geared towards family entertainment and the S-7 Tactical Edition is suited more for competitive play. Both of these models are part of Steradian’s Classic Series. The X-series products utilize Steradian’s Chimera technology with their Eclipse 400X and S-7X products.
History: Founders Tom Baker and Alex Moon were childhood friends who first experienced laser tag when they joined another friend at a local laser tag group in 1995. With Moon’s programming experience and Baker’s technology background they set out to create their own laser tag system. As they tested current laser tag equipment they realized most did not work in sunlight, so they developed their own and launched the Pro220 model in 1999.
Hear more directly from Kevin McDonald and Amy Baker.