Founder: Jonathan Plache
Originated: 1994
Key Personnel:
Jonathan Plache – Founder
Rod Mudie – Sales Director
Martin Shoebridge – Technical Consultant
Roanne Plache
Richard Plache
First Facility: Ice Station Zero, located in Surrey, UK
Equipment Overview: VeQtor laser tag has made available several laser tag system options ranging from the phaser-only Express WackyBlaster mobile version, the Classic VeQtor based on their original product and the radio-based Max system. The arena can function as a “player” as well via the use of the VenturScape control program where elements can target players through a sequence of tags using eEnergisers, mines, snipers and “air raids” that may appear at different times/locations depending on the game being played
Historical Synopsis:
Veqtor was founded in 1994 by Jonathan Plache following a visit to a Laser Quest, which inspired him to develop a system of his own, as well as a visit to the IAAPA trade show that year. Martin Shoebridge did design and development on the original Veqtor system. He was also and a stakeholder in the company.
In 2002 Veqtor, based in Surrey, UK, acquired the intellectual property of Actual Reality, which was helpful to their efforts to add more features to the VeQtor products. Actual Reality was another system which Martin Shoebridge also contributed to greatly, and as part of the negotiations Shoebridge became involved with VeQtor UK, contributing his knowledge to XBlaster, MAXBlaster, PAQ and VenturScape.