Founded By: Jim and Steve Kessler
Originated: September 23, 1986
Personnel of Note:
Jim Kessler – President and Founder
Steve Kessler – Co-Founder and Vice President
Ann Kessler – Professional Sales Advisor
Marc Epstein – Former Sales Advisor
First Location: LASERTRON, 5101 N. Bailey Avenue, NY, U.S.A, which opened on December 28, 1988
Equipment Overview: The LASERTRON LT series includes packs featuring sensors on the shoulders, front and back and also the phaser itself. LT phasers include a button on the front which requires two-handed use. According to the LASERTRON website, their LT 12 game system includes five vibrating target areas, 360 degree vest and phaser target areas, full color phaser screen and red and green beams. LASERTRON is both an equipment manufacturer and a supplier of LED arenas.
History: First incorporated on September 23, 1986 in Amherst, NY with James (Jim) Kessler as chairman, LASERTRON began operation of their first laser tag facility in December 1988. The company began selling their equipment in 1992.
CLARIFICATION NOTE: LASERTRON (USA) based in Amherst, NY is unrelated to the similarly named LaserTron (NZ) that operated in New Zealand.
Hear more about the history of LASERTRON firsthand from Jim Kessler.