Laser Star

Laser Star phaser - Donated by Paul Savard
Laser Star (rear speaker on phaser) - Donated by Paul Savard
Laser Star - Donated by Paul Savard

Founded By: Dr. David Peretz

: June 1, 1994

First Facility: Starbase Omega Orlando, Fl

Personnel of Note:
Dr. David Peretz – Founder and president

Equipment Overview: Laser Star developed the first vestless and cordless laser tag system, which was a first for the laser tag industry. They utilized what was called the “Laser Star Solo Gun” without additional equipment such as vests or headsets and as such began branding their product as allowing for more games to be played per hour than any other system as a result of less time required for typical “vesting” before a game. An additional targeting system could be supplied to an operator with options for either custom or pre-installed audio to be used with the targets. Mechanical and lighting effects could be activated with their phaser technology and these elements meant that the system was customizable for a variety of themed arenas. One Laser Star sales brochure refers to the equipment as a “one size fits all system”.

Historical Synopsis:  Dr. David Peretz spearheaded the development of Laser Star and the equipment was very well suited to soft play mazes, which allowed for a partnering with Discovery Zone, a company which designed soft play mazes. The bankruptcy of Discovery Zone in 1996 was a blow to Laser Star and in 2005 Laser Star began putting more emphasis on their shooting gallery brand over their laser tag game.