Laser Sport

Founded By: Mark Young

 1992 Date Closed: 1996

Number of Locations:

Personnel of Note:

Mark Young – Founder
Justin Pearce

First Facility: Boulder, Colorado

Equipment Overview: The Laser Sport system was comprised of components including LS2000 vests and phasers for players as well as energy stations, computer-controlled scoring system, integrated system accounting and control “phaser”. The equipment was lightweight with a combined weight of only three pounds for both the vest and phaser together. The LS2000 options included:
•    LS2000 Vision RTS provided a radio-based real time system
•    LS2000 Onsite featured cost based onsite installation and service
•    LS2000 Extended Website allowed for the addition of player profiles and interactivity to a website.

Historical Synopsis: Mark Young  was living in boulder, CO while developing the laser tag systems including the Laser Sport system launched in 1992. Young also had involvement with the early version of equipment that would later become Laser Storm.