
Founded By: Peter Marshall and Andrew Riddel
Originated: 1993 Date Closed: 2012
Number of Locations: 57
Personnel of Note:
Intersphere Holland:
Peter Marshall – Co-Managing & Technical Director
Andrew Riddel – Co-Managing & Financial Director
James Nunn – General Manager
Intersphere USA:
Todd Ferson – CEO
Steve Iverson – President
Chris Willems – Client Solutions & Sales
Shawn McAninch – Startup Consultant
Andrew Culpovich
Bob Vander Linden
First Facility: Intersphere Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Equipment Overview: Intersphere’s laser tag packs included a phaser with an ergonomically styled handle and vests with multiple sensors along with a plastic chest piece that featured either the O design or the X on the front. Using their LaZerware software, the company described their gear, as quoted from a marketing pamphlet: “The only lasergame system with truly universal appeal. Sophisticated, reliable equipment, the most flexible software, and arena designs straight out of Hollywood add up to a sure-fire hit with any demographic.” The LaZerware software allowed operators to manage a variety of game aspects including duration of games, number of players and equipment condition and could allow changes to be made even while a game was already in progress.
Historical Synopsis: Peter Marshall and Andrew Riddel wanted to develop new laser tag equipment and began this process in 1993 under the LMC Group (Leisure Management Consultant, BV) with the production of their first Intersphere equipment. The laser tag gear was first adopted for use at their first location in Amsterdam, Netherlands and then soon use of the equipment started to spread through Europe’s Benelux region. By early 1994 there were talks of distribution rights for the USA. At this time the LMC Group was using the name Intersphere Holland. The American businessmen involved in the discussions incoportated in Iowa on July 8, 1984 as the RTS Entertainment Group, Ltd, also using the name Intersphere USA Ltd with Shawne Kleckner listed as a principle with the group. RTS Entertainment Group, Ltd applied for a trademark on the name Laser X on September 26, 1994, though this was abandoned later on. Entrepreneuer and businessman Todd Ferson purchased the distribution rights on December 2, 1994 according to Intersphere Holland and Ferson went on to be named a principle when Intersphere USA L.C. was later incorporated on January 17, 1995. Ferson began working with Steve Iverson and Chris Willems to grow Intersphere USA, L.C. which they headquartered in Des Moines, Iowa. Intersphere USA, L.C. filed for the Laser X trademark on April 18, 1996. Holding rights to the intellectual property assets owned by Intersphere USA, L.C. were licensed to a new corporation called Intersphere International on November 17, 2004. RTS Entertainment Group, Limited using the name Intersphere USA, LTD, was dissolved on September 13, 1996. Intersphere International, L.C. was dissolved on August 7, 2006 and Intersphere USA, L.C. was dissolved on September 5, 2006.