
Founded By: Alexander Tarasov
Originated: 2002
Personnel of Note:
Alexander Tarasov – Founder and President
First Facility: Unknown
Equipment Overview: According to the Ataka website “The standard equipment includes: a set of machines and vests, two bases, each of which is kind of a ‘home base’ for his team, two energizers needed to replenish the ammunition, a double set of batteries for the operation of Panasonic machines and a set of wires to connect the devices and software products.”
Red and green vest options identify the player’s team. The Ataka vests feature LED lights and sensors on the front and back of the pack along with shoulder sensors and a two-handled phaser with a trigger on each of the handles. Ataka’s vests are either green or red, according to your team. On the front and back of the vests are silver metal disks on which the LEDs and sensors are located. There are also sensors on each of the shoulders. At one point in time Ataka also produced additional interactive game devices including “mines” and “grenades”, but later halted production of those accessories.
Historical Synopsis: An initial introduction of the Ataka product took place in 2002 with version one being used for testing. However, they opted to pull back this product to make some adjustments and mass production began when the system was re-released in 2003. Initially the company was involved with maze building as well.