Founded by: Giuseppe Colazzo
Originated: 2009
Personnel of Note:
Giuseppe Colazzo – Founder of Next Technology s.r.l.s
Fabio Rossi – CEO Laser Evolution
Lorenzo Ribaldi – Software Developer
Angelo Guida – Design and Developer of Molding
First Facility: Laser Revolution, In via Vistola, Cella di Reggio Emilia, Dentro il Bolwing 2000.
Equipment Overview: X-Raid laser tag is the only current system to have all their equipment assembled and manufactured entirely in Italy. The X-RAID laser tag system includes standard red, green and blue LEDs with a full color range available for coordinating numerous team play. The phaser includes a 1.8 inch display screen on the back so players can see real time scoring, lives, shots and time remaining in the game. Communication between the arena server and phasers is wireless, allowing for real time score and bonus tracking.
Registered member players can customize a code name and be identified with an RFID system, allowing players to track scores, statistics and progress via a global website portal. This system allows for tracking of personal improvement, unlocking achievements and bonuses and coordinating teams and game challenges, which allows players to experience some video game-like elements. Many game modes are inspired by competitor game types.
X-RAID spent significant time on analysis and tech research and put emphasis on the reliability and durability of the equipment along with accuracy in tagging. Phasers (called “rifles”) and chest protection units are made of durable, high-strength materials with integrated safety systems designed to protect both players and equipment. The X-RAID interface provides operators control of all aspects of the system and the arena and it can be used with tablets and smartphones. Additionally, players and teams can use the interface to access real-time scoring results on their own mobile devices.
Historical Synopsis: X-Raid laser tag was developed as a collaborative project with Next Technology s.r.l.s. labs and Laser Evolution s.n.c. The computer tech-related company Next Technology was founded in 2004 by Giuseppe Colazzo, while Laser Evolution was a laser game center founded in 2006 by Fabio Rossi. Both companies focused on offering new game types and opportunities for different modes to garner interest and loyalty from laser game players, both older players and newer gamers by combining laser tag and video game elements.