Quasar Elite

Founded By: Robert Webb
Originated: 2004
Personnel of Note:
Robert Webb – Founder and Head of World Sales
First Facility: 17-19, St. Stephens Road, Quasar Elite Norwich, Norwich UK, Opened September 15, 2004
Equipment Overview: As quoted from the Quasar Elite website, “There are four areas of the equipment, the Packs (made up of a vest and a phaser), Network Units (Energisers, Bases, and Mines), the control computer, and the Charging System.”
Quasar Elite bears some similarities to the older Q-Zar equipment, however the phasers and vests have undergone a thorough redesign. A partnership between Quasar Elite and Meno Electronics (which manufactured Q-2000) began in December of 2016 for Meno Electronics to provide support and service for Quasar Elite operator sites.
A Meno Electronics press release stated:
“Steven Jennings founded Meno in 1992, originally to support and service Quasar Centres before moving on to manufacturing Q2000 Laser Tag systems. Steven Jennings is delighted that Meno has come full circle!”
Historical Synopsis: Quasar Elite began as a research and development effort in 2001 to modernize and update the Quasar UK equipment design (following the decline of Q-Zar in the USA in the mid 1990s, Q-Zar and Quasar manufacturing and distribution was taken over by Quasar UK). Quasar Elite launched in 2005 at Leisure Industry Week 2005 following two years of trials at Quasar locations.