Plazma Force

Founded By: Tom Appleton
Originated: Approximately 2006
Personnel of Note:
Tom Appleton – Founder
First Facility: Santa’s Village, 1624 Golden Beach Rd, Bracebridge, Ontario
Equipment Overview: Plazma Force equipment includes a phaser and a vest featuring a total of 16 sensors positioned with four each on the front, back and shoulders. Vibrations on the player’s vest indicate when a player has been tagged. A player’s vest will not shut down or deactivate when tagged, so players can still tag opponents. The phaser is wireless and there is also a vestless version of equipment.
Historical Synopsis: Media Vision, Inc. based in Whitby, Ontario is the manufacturer for Plazma Force Laser Tag. The company manufactures other amusement products and initially developed a different product called Phazer Zone (a paintless paintball-style game that was a bit of a hybrid between laser tag and paintball), which was a predecessor to the development of Plazma Force Laser Tag.